
When he asked me to describe it, I told him, “invisible” 
Like I wasn’t even there. 
“They acted the exact same as they always do” 
Which is the problem, I think to myself 

I am an outsider they erase with their soft-edged jabs and jokes, their topics
of conversation “Will you take the pictures” because I would not show up in
them anyway, A vampire here to suck the life out of you 
As they suck the air out of the room 
I can’t breathe 

I am the werewolf that shape shifts to survive the night 
It is clear I do not belong 
Bitten by the curse 
Scratched with misfortune 
To have a seat at the table then be silenced 
I sink my teeth into the garlic potatoes and howl later that night at the moon 

Wrap me like a mummy 
In your see-through dressings 
Bind my being
Cover my wounds 
Suffocate me with cellophane smiles 
Because everything I say 
is folklore 

Do you see me? 
Or do you see right through me? 

I snap my fingers 
Wave my hands 
How damning it is 
To live in this flesh 
But never be seen

Mia Brabham is a writer and conversation lover. Her debut book, Note to Self, is a short collection of personal musings that is in the hands of readers all over the world. Mia is also the co-host of Two In The Morning, a podcast that explores and unpacks the cultural questions that keep us up at night. You can find her on Instagram and Twitter, or at