All the Single Ladies
I read an interesting blog post from one of my favorite sites (and books) - Girls Gone Wise by Mary Kassian. I just happened to stumble upon it and decided to give it a read; I hadn't been on her site in about a month, so I wanted to catch up!
The title of the post was called "Will the Real Biblical Woman Please Stand Up". I eagerly clicked "read more", assuming the post would be geared towards media and its representation of women or somewhere along the lines of false representations of women. Surprisingly, it was better. It tackled something I've struggled with and a partial reason about why I have not blogged so much recently. The topic: How to live out biblical womanhood despite having most examples in the Bible (and Christian authors, pastors, women, etc.) portray Biblical womanhood as being something that wives and mothers do. Why do I feel as though that was directed towards me? Like literally! In the back of my mind a little glimpse of my past shown through and I was tempted to burst out into my best rendition of Beyonce "All the single ladies!"....
No, but really. Most of what we study about Biblical womanhood is along the lines of being a wife or mother. We study Ephesians 5, Proverbs 31, Titus 2, Rebecca and Issac, Ruth and Boaz, Song of Solomon (I know I'm not the only one). What about us single ladies? What about Anna? What about Priscilla? What about Dorcas? What about Mary and Martha? What about me?
Sure, I have a desire to be married one day - *Imagines walking down the aisle towards an Idris Elba look alike* - but the reality is, I'm not. How can I serve and live a life like the Proverbs 31 or the Titus 2 woman, when I do not have a husband to submit to or children to care after. Once again, in this journey of mine, I have found that I missed the point of it all....
"Biblical womanhood is about a woman seeking to honor Jesus by consistently applying Scripture to her daily life, whatever that life looks like. It is as simple as that. It applies across categories. Therefore, it could be interspersed in every bookstore section relating to women: young, old, single, married, divorced, widowed, whatever.
In whatever state or stage of life you find yourself, Biblical womanhood is your calling. It’s not something that’s confined to women who look for books between the marriage and parenting sections. Let me say it again, as loudly as I can in a quiet bookstore: 'Biblical womanhood is about exalting Jesus.' " - Mary Kassian (
Just what I needed to hear! Just another reminder about why I started this blog. Until next time....
Love y'all :)